Jake Roberts’s perspective on Vince McMahon was: ‘It was inevitable, and it had to be him’.

Jake Roberts’s perspective on Vince McMahon was: ‘It was inevitable, and it had to be him’.
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In the latest episode of his podcast, “The Snake Pit”, Jake Roberts discussed his thoughts on Vince McMahon, Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer, and the reality of life as a WWE Superstar.

Here are some noteworthy excerpts from the podcast:

Commenting on his most positive experience with Vince McMahon, he said, “No doubt, he has significantly contributed to the world of professional wrestling. What he’s achieved, especially with WrestleMania — it’s mind-blowing. There’s no denying that it had to be him to revolutionize wrestling to this extent.”

When it comes to Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer, his feelings were notably less positive: “I don’t have much good to say about him. He was a terrible man, ill-treating people in the ring. He had a track record of roughing up newcomers. He exploited his position in ways that crossed the line — it was all gall and audaciousness. Although his ring work was satisfactory, personally, I couldn’t stand him.”

Regarding what a typical off-day looked like while on tour with WWE, Jake explained, “It was mostly spent in a rush — reach home, do laundry, and hurry back. It’s less of a lifestyle and more of a treadmill routine. There’s not much personal life left in it.”

You can have a look at the full podcast embedded below:

[Embed The Snake Pit Ep.94: Ask Jake Anything 24]