Dispelling Rumors – WWE Has Not Secured a Contract with The Lucha Bros (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix)

Dispelling Rumors – WWE Has Not Secured a Contract with The Lucha Bros (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix)
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The Lucha Bros duo, Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix, are yet to ink any deal with WWE.

There were numerous speculations on Friday suggesting that the twin team had officially joined WWE and were en route to the principal roster. However, Pwinsider has clarified that these rumors are untrue.

According to the report, not only have the Lucha Bros not signed with WWE, but the pair also remains committed to AEW under valid contracts.

In light of this, it’s worthy to note that WWE has displayed a keen interest in the tag team. However, before formal contracts can be signed, the duo needs to fulfill, or be “free and clear” of their current AEW obligations; a milestone they’ve not yet achieved.

Given that they are currently bound by AEW contracts, it’s simply impractical for them to even contemplate a potential deal with WWE.

It’s widely believed that both Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix will transition to WWE once they’re no longer tied to AEW. It’s confirmed that Rey Fenix is still secured with an active AEW contract. The duo’s shift to a different platform reportedly “won’t be as seamless as anticipated.”

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