“Politics and Wrestling have more similarities than one might think,” says Glenn Jacobs.

“Politics and Wrestling have more similarities than one might think,” says Glenn Jacobs.
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The multi-talented Glenn Jacobs, better known by his WWE moniker ‘Kane’, has paved a successful path not just in sports entertainment but also in the political arena. It’s an interesting observation he has, stating that wrestling and politics might not be as different as they appear to be.

In an episode of the ‘Six Feet Under’ podcast, the successful WWE superstar, nicknamed ‘The Devil’s Favorite Mayor’, drew parallels between his wrestling and political careers. He remarked,

“People often remark ‘Wrestling to politics, that’s quite a switch,’ and I say ‘not really. They might belong to different spheres, but politics permeates every aspect of our lives and certainly in the WWE, you need to navigate the internal politics to achieve success. As strange as it may sound, the dissimilarities between the two are minimal.”

He added, “One of the intriguing aspects of politics is that you’re continually trying to win over voters and the general public. So, you can’t be overly concerned with the media or the perceptions of certain individuals. My challenge is to convince people that who they see on television is not who I am in reality.”

In 2018, the voters of Knox County elected him as their Mayor, a role he was re-elected to in 2022. While his personal views align with libertarian ideologies, Damon chooses to run on a Republican ticket for his campaigns.

Throughout his political career, the WWE legend has staunchly supported former U.S President Donald Trump, he has even openly endorsed the GOP leader for the current year’s Presidential race.

However, Glenn ‘Kane’ Jacobs political journey has been filled with its fair share of controversies. The most recent accusation being that he pressurized a county official to falsify information regarding the improper usage of county resources in 2022.

Allegedly, the Mayor had used public park employees to maintain the gardens at his private premises. He later countered these allegations, suggesting that they were part of a conspiracy plot against him.