Tony Schiavone Stands Up for Chris Jericho Amidst Audience Mockery Regarding His Body Shape

Tony Schiavone Stands Up for Chris Jericho Amidst Audience Mockery Regarding His Body Shape
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Tony Schiavone has come to the defense of professional wrestler Chris Jericho after remarks made by spectators concerning the athlete’s physical condition and perceived change in performance. In recent times, numerous individuals on digital networking sites have brought up concerns regarding Jericho’s physique, questioning if he might be slowing down within the wrestling ring.

On an episode of Schiavone’s podcast, “What Happened When”, Schiavone stressed that it’s only to be expected that Jericho’s performance might evolve over time. He stated,

“I’m always thrilled when Chris Jericho is participating in a match or a storyline, because he’s genuinely exciting. I know he catches a lot of flak because some people assert, ‘He’s not as fit as he used to be.’ Obviously, he’s not. None of us are at that particular age, but I truly appreciate everything he does and the commitment he shows.”

Recently, Jericho has been engaged in a rivalry with Orange Cassidy, who bested the Canadian wrestler in the most recent episode of AEW Dynamite.

Jericho has been a part of AEW since its inception, earning himself titles of a previous AEW and ROH World Champion, as well as a one-time FTW Champion.

Below is a link to a video showing Orange Cassidy seeking to even the score against Chris Jericho in AEW Dynamite which took place on 9/18/24.