Jarrett Comments on Motor City Machine Guns’ Heritage in TNA

Jarrett Comments on Motor City Machine Guns’ Heritage in TNA
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This year in March, The Motor City Machine Guns left behind TNA Wrestling, subsequently inking a contract with WWE.

In earlier news we reported at eWn, the upcoming plan is for Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin to put up their first appearance in a team match during WWE NXT’s inaugural event in Chicago on the first day of October.

In a recent episode of his “My World” podcast, WWE Hall of Fame member Jeff Jarrett weighed in on the significance of Motor City Machine Guns to TNA Wrestling.

Brief highlights from the podcast can be found below:

Discussing the significance of the Motor City Machine Guns to TNA: “I have been eager to cover this subject. It’s always fascinating to listen to these wrestlers share their journey. However, just to set the record straight: I indeed brought them into TNA, but their official team formation was in Japan. Despite the distance, they displayed immediate rapport, which eventually evolved into their present identity.

“Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin were extraordinary, they were absolute standouts in the X Division. It would be a pleasure to delve into their origin story, their collaboration, and their eventual success. Reflecting on the original TNA era, the time just before it evolved into Impact Wrestling, you realize the profound influence they had on both the X Division and the tag division. They are enormously gifted.”

On his initial thoughts about Sabin and Shelley: “The recommendations that came in for them were incredibly positive – not just from Scott D’Amore but from another talented individual. Phrases like, ‘This guy [Shelley] is top-notch. He’s precise,’ or ‘He’s adept at chain wrestling. He’s comfortable on the mat and has a diverse style. Give him a look.’ These were the sort of comments I was hearing. And when such praise comes from numerous sources, you start taking notice. Initially, I might have been a bit skeptical about the motives behind these recommendations, but both Alex and Chris came through as intensely recommended for their ring performance – plain and simple.”