“Damian Priest assures, The Undertaker is genuinely fierce. He’s authentically intimidating, nothing fictitious about him.”

“Damian Priest assures, The Undertaker is genuinely fierce. He’s authentically intimidating, nothing fictitious about him.”
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Damian Priest has shared that he finds The Undertaker to be as authentic as they come.

In an episode of the podcast “Insight With Chris Van Vliet” that featured him recently, the Terror Twins component revisited his memories of encountering the “Deadman” in 1999, alongside their ensuing interactions over the subsequent years. Here are a few standpoints elucidated from the podcast:

During the signing event in 1999 when Damian Priest ran into The Undertaker, he expressed, “He struck me as a gentle soul, which was a pleasant surprise. I mean, he’s The Undertaker! I figured he might spontaneously combust… I’ll never forget that initial encounter—we met, and I was utterly dumbfounded.”

Reflecting on his experiences with ‘Taker over the year, Damian Priest pointed out: “The man is authentic through and through, a genuine tough nut. I’m glad he was my role model. He’s been everything I believed he would be, and more.”

Note: We heartily welcome any news tips or summaries of podcast interviews you can give, and we will attribute full credit to you. Please reach out via email at [email protected]. Make certain to keep original quotes intact.