Jeff Jarrett opines that Hangman Page is presently delivering his stellar best performance.

Jeff Jarrett opines that Hangman Page is presently delivering his stellar best performance.
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “My World,” Jeff Jarrett shared his insights on his involvement in the Casino Gauntlet Match at AEW, his rapport with Hangman Page, and other related issues.

Here are few noteworthy moments from the podcast recording:

Jeff’s opinion on his entry for the battle: “In essence, when viewers spotted Hangman, their initial thought was, ‘Will we be seeing him?’ And just like that — it was a moment of awe. As often mentioned, the Bree Woo or Bree Hoo — upon hearing that, it was definitely an amazing instance. The echo from 55,000 spectators, that’s an experience that you can’t replicate… It was a response I’ve never received before and it was immense. With 55,000 people, the place was vibrating.”

Jarrett’s viewpoint on his narrative with Page not being finished: “We have to wait and let time tell. [The match with Ishii] was vigorous. Hangman is defiantly competitive. I do not need to inform you, or any AEW enthusiast about that. However, we shared some chemistry in Chicago. There’s no denying that we had a connection at Wembley. If I can influence it, this isn’t the end, Connie. With absolute certainty, it’s not concluded.”

Jarrett’s thoughts on Page: “Hangman is exceedingly skilled. He just — his fervor, he’s a comprehensive performer with remarkable not just fierceness, but the varying modes he can transition in and out of. He had an exceptional match with Ishii last night. When he made his entrance in the Casino Gauntlet and asserted his presence — his athleticism, ardor, rhythm, articulation, and complete persona. He’s a top-tier competitor performing at his absolute best.”