Rob Van Dam: ‘In ECW, I felt absolutely invincible.’

Rob Van Dam: ‘In ECW, I felt absolutely invincible.’
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In a recent installment of his “1 Of A Kind” podcast, Rob Van Dam delves into several engaging topics including Joe Hendry’s accelerated success in TNA Wrestling, his personal interactions with Bam Bam Bigelow, and more.

Below are some stand-out points from the discussed topics in the podcast:

Concerning Joe Hendry’s prosperous journey: “I can’t really say. It appears that he is well-liked. Going by the chats, quite a few people find him amusing. That’s pretty neat. Best wishes go out to Joe Hendry.”

Regarding his ring clashes with Bam Bam Bigelow in ECW: “I really liked the dynamic that he and I shared. Moreover, at that juncture, I was in a phase where I felt indestructible. No matter the opponent, I was convinced I wouldn’t get hurt. In my own perception, I was unbeatable. Additionally, the very fact that I’m going bring my A-game is known to everyone, making them step up their game as well. This is exactly how I viewed things. Possibly a bit egotistical, but it altogether intensified my connection with the ECW vibe and the ‘whole F’n Show’ persona. I absolutely relished it all. And my in-ring skirmishes with Bam Bam made us push each other to the limits. On top of that, I genuinely enjoyed his company.”

Discussing the WWE locker room’s response to his chair-based head kicks: “When I made an entrance in WWE and started doing those lethal chair kicks into wrestlers’ faces, the reactions were mixed. Some of my fellow wrestlers didn’t take to it very kindly as they were not accustomed to such brutality. But Vince seemed to appreciate it. They were trying hard to create friction against me, but it didn’t affect me. The only friction was with them, and they couldn’t do anything about it. Not to sound tough or anything, but that was the actual situation. If anyone felt severely affronted, my only response would be, ‘Okay then, you owe me. Go out there and retaliate. Give it back to me.’ That’s the principle I learned and lived by in the ring.”

The full podcast can be viewed below, accompanied with the detailed discussions.