Images: Hulk Hogan Photographed with Neo-Nazi Individual

Images: Hulk Hogan Photographed with Neo-Nazi Individual
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Wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer, Hulk Hogan, has recently been photographed with a man sporting Nazi-inspired tattoos. The man in question has a tattoo of the SS symbol and an Iron Cross on his right arm.

This photograph was captured at a meet and greet event where the renowned wrestler was endorsing his own brand of brew, ‘Real American Beer’, in hte city of Boise, Idaho. The venue of the event is believed to be ExtraMile at Jacksons Food store.

Hogan, who recently conducted a speech at the Republican National Convention, has had a history of being implicated in controversy due to racial comments he has uttered in the past. During the RNC event, Hogan referred to the controversial former President and convicted felon, Donald Trump, as his “hero”, further stoking the crowd with a call to “Let Trumpamania Run Wild.”

For those needing a history recap, the SS (Schutzstaffel) was a notorious paramilitary group which was active under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party during the era of Nazi Germany.

Similarly, the Iron Cross served as a military decoration initially in the Kingdom of Prussia and the German Empire before being reintroduced during Nazi control of the country.

You’ll find the relevant photos below:

– Twitter user @WUTangKids posted: “Oh Just Hulk Hogan taking a picture with a Nazi at some liquor store.”

– Another user @acnewsitics tweeted: “Republican Convention Speaker Hulk Hogan, who got caught calling black people the n-word, is taking a photo with a Neo-Nazi. Yikes!”

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