Cedric Alexander Intends to Stay Longer in NXT Following a Belated Victory

Cedric Alexander Intends to Stay Longer in NXT Following a Belated Victory
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Observed during the recent WWE NXT: The Great American Bash (Week One), Cedric Alexander emerged victorious over Brooks Jensen, with notable attendee, Shawn Spears, watching the match keenly. On the likelihood of staying on in WWE NXT for a protracted duration, Alexander harbors a positive sentiment.

On this week’s episode of WWE NXT, Cedric Alexander secured a much-anticipated win, hinting towards his long-term commitment to the show. This victory confirms that followers of the WWE NXT series can count on Alexander’s regular presence.

The wrestle between Alexander and Brooks Jensen was not the lone highlight of the WWE NXT: Great American Bash (Week One). Another attention-grabbing incident was when Shawn Spears observed the match with intrigue.

In a subsequent ‘Digital Exclusive’ on WWE NXT, Cedric Alexander elaborated on his stint on the show as well as his future plans. His thoughts were:

“Going through this journey feels like rewinding to my school days. It’s been a refreshing experience, encountering new as well as previously acquainted faces, and every now and again, engaging in friendly bouts. But yeah, my stint here is turning to be a pleasant one. I might as well stick around for an extended period.”

Regarding Shawn Spears observing his match, Alexander voiced his observations and insights:

“Though I share a long history with Shawn Spears, he is known for his dubious past. The distinction between Shawn and me is, my goal is to extend support to the budding talent, foster competitive spirit, whereas Shawn’s intent is to exploit them for personal gain, making them puppets to maneuver as he pleases. The discontent exhibited by Brooks Jensen is clear proof that Mr. Spears’ approach is unfruitful.”

In 2024, this marked Alexander’s initial singles victory. Although he had clinched a few victories at some WWE Speed tapings earlier in the year, this information was not disseminated on Twitter.

An exclusive interview featuring Cedric Alexander on his commitment to mentoring the younger talent at the 2024 Great American Bash can be viewed here. [Embedded video content]