‘Tony Khan proclaims Mark Briscoe, the ROH World Champion, settles in perfectly.’

‘Tony Khan proclaims Mark Briscoe, the ROH World Champion, settles in perfectly.’
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During a media briefing following the ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 event, AEW President Tony Khan talked about ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe’s significant presence on AEW/ROH TV now. Highlights from Khan’s talk with the press can be found below.

Speaking about becoming a consistent figure on weekly television, Briscoe said, “It’s truly exhilarating. As a young boy glued to the screen watching wrestling, that’s the dream we shared. But due to a set of unforeseen circumstances, despite the talent my brother and I held, the chance simply didn’t present itself. Now than I am living that reality, much owing to my good friend Tony Khan, it feels like a dream come true.”

Touching on the importance of humility and gratitude, he noted, “I just approach every day with a fresh perspective, never taking anything for granted, and attempting to maintain humility. The biggest life lesson from the past few years is the transience of everything; it can all disappear in the blink of an eye. So I’m embracing the present and thoroughly enjoying this journey. It’s invigorating, absolutely fantastic.”

On the matter of how Mark Briscoe’s carries forward the wrestling tradition on TBS, Tony Khan expressed, “Considering a five-decade-long history of TBS, and a three-decade-one on TNT, does Mark Briscoe adhere to those traditions? Perfectly. It’s wonderful having Mark Briscoe on both TBS and TNT, and in ROH. Is Mark Briscoe a fitting world champion for ROH? Absolutely.”

At the ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 event, Briscoe successfully held onto his title against ex-ROH World Champion Roderick Strong.

Check out the embedded content below to watch the ROH Death Before Dishonor Media Scrum.