Jim Ross Remembers Vince McMahon Reinstating Him to WWE in 1994

Jim Ross Remembers Vince McMahon Reinstating Him to WWE in 1994
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On a recent episode of “Grilling JR,” a podcast hosted by WWE Hall of Fame member Jim Ross, he spoke about a variety of themes, including his return to WWE in 1994 after a previous dismissal from Vince McMahon’s company.

Below are some notable moments from the podcast:

Discussing writing to Vince McMahon following rumors he was disloyal: Ross stated it was the wrestling “dirt sheets” where he first saw these allegations. The rumors picked up steam and were omni-present, leading to accusations that Ross was not a team player and was overly egotistical. Wanting to directly address these allegations with the decision-maker, he opted to write a letter to McMahon.

Requesting the WWF Magazine mailing list from McMahon for his fan mail business: In his need for support, Ross candidly asked McMahon for a favor and presented what he felt was an innovative solution to his dwindling income problem. His belief was that the appeal of his 23 years of experience and recognizable name would present an opportunity for McMahon, and it seemed to work. Fast forward to 2007, and Ross was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, proving his risk paid off.

On being recalled to replace Art Donovan: Ross notes that he quickly agreed to rejoin, though due to his lack of an agent at the time, he had to negotiate his own deal. Despite potentially leaving money on the table, he believed he was compensated fairly and considered his return to be quite successful.

Discourse on his preliminary contract before he became a full-time figure again: The agreement stretched from late summer and past SummerSlam, which Ross highlights was quite profitable for him. Although this was the shortest contract he ever negotiated and signed, he managed to earn more from that SummerSlam than he typically earned from multiple events.

For a greater insight into Ross’s career and his journey in the WWE, watch the full “Grilling JR: JR’s Return To The WWF” episode below.