“Old Habits Die Screaming,” a thrilling event organised by Black Label Pro transpired on Friday night. The highlight of the evening was Raj Dhesi, famously known as Jinder Mahal in WWE, triumphantly bagging the much-coveted BLP Heavyweight Title.
Find the comprehensive results from the breathtaking Chicago-based spectacle below:
– The wrestling bout between Davey Bang, Alec Price, and August Matthews concluded with Bang emerging victorious.
– Professional wrestling tag team Hot Commodity claimed victory over Lee Espresso.
– Myron Reed prevailed against Rico Gonzalez in what can be best described as an edge-of-the-seat contest.
– In an exciting BLP Tag Team Championship Match, the dynamic Latinos Most Wanted outwrestled Twist And Flip.
– Trevor Lee successfully defeated Eli Isom in a contest full of power display.
– Dex Royal & The Highlight Reel showcased a tag team performance to remember against PME & Terry Yaki, emerging as the victors.
– A nail-biting BLP Arbo’s Cheese Dip Big Cheese Championship Match saw Puf clinching the win against Rachel Armstrong.
– Josh Bishop assured himself a future shot at the title by defeating Jake Something in a tightly contested BLP Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match.
– Finally, the main event, the BLP Heavyweight Championship Match was marked by Raj Dhesi’s notable victory over Dominic Garrini.