Billy Gunn Recalls His Memorable Journey with The Beautiful People

Billy Gunn Recalls His Memorable Journey with The Beautiful People
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Billy Gunn, a notable figure in AEW, recounted his cherished moments working with The Beautiful People in TNA Wrestling, in a period where he was navigating some professional struggles.

Gunn, also known as Cute Kip Sopp, affiliated himself with this group in August of 2008, collaborating with Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. Subsequently, Madison Rayne and Lacey Von Erich expanded the cadre.

During a recent episode of the “Insight” podcast, Gunn expressed that his association with The Beautiful People was a resultant of a challenging period in his professional life. He affirmed,

“I am fond of the girls, The Beautiful People were exceptional. It was indeed a task trying to reinterpret the association with Brian, Road Dogg… It was just an attempt to recreate something, but my time with the girls was immensely enjoyable because they kept the atmosphere lively.”

“It was never about me alone. Their trust was with me, just as theirs was on me. It wasn’t just about garnishing the show but their faith was entirely in me. They had this understanding that if they were dubious or envisioned trying something new, I wasn’t someone to just push my own agenda,” he added.

Angelina Love decided to dissolve Cute Kip’s participation in the group in 2009. As of now, Gunn is a competitor in the AEW, with records of being a past Trios Champion.