Hospital Admission for Jim Ross Following Breathing Complications, Further Details Unveiled

Hospital Admission for Jim Ross Following Breathing Complications, Further Details Unveiled
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The wrestling community was alarmed as WWE Hall of Fame member and current AEW commentator, Jim Ross, was urgently transported to the emergency unit on Tuesday due to serious breathing issues.

In a message that has since been removed, Ross disclosed he was in the ER and expected to remain there overnight. His exact words were,

“Yet another visit to the ER.

Having trouble with breathing.

Looks like it’s going to be an overnight stay.

I will be alright. Let’s keep on fighting!”

Our thoughts are with JR for a speedy and total recovery.

In addition to this, new developments have surfaced for the upcoming AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door III pay-per-view event on Sunday: Orange Cassidy is set to face Zack Sabre Jr. Cassidy also dropped by the “Under The Ring” podcast recently, where he talked about his strategy for the match against Sabre Jr, his ambition to give the viewers a completely different match than the previous bout with Bryan Danielson, and more insights.

The podcast highlights went as follows:

On gearing up to face Sabre Jr.: “Essentially, one can only hope for the best. I had an opportunity to go against him last year, which gave me some insights – he counters everything I attempt. Having had almost a year to devise a plan against his technique feels like having a slight upper hand. Undoubtedly, he’s the finest technical wrestler globally, which is a bit overwhelming.”

On driving a different battle out of Sabre than Bryan Danielson did: “For me, it’s crucial not to imitate that same fight you’ve all witnessed before. My wrestling style is significantly different from Bryan Danielson’s, promising a completely different showdown against Zack Sabre – one that reflects our unique styles and not a mere copy of a contest that likely made history as one of the greatest technical wrestling matches ever. So no, we aren’t looking to replicate, but to deliver something completely unique.”

NOTE: If you have any insider news tips or podcast reviews that you’d like us to cover (you’ll receive complete credit), feel free to connect via email at [email protected].