Hulk Hogan Addresses the Downfall of WCW, Stands Up for Eric Bischoff

Hulk Hogan Addresses the Downfall of WCW, Stands Up for Eric Bischoff
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In the documentary series “Who Killed WCW?” presented by Vice TV, Hulk Hogan played no role. In a conversation with, he defended Eric Bischoff, the former President of WCW, asserting that he was not the reason for the promotion’s demise. Instead, he pinpointed the merger between American Online and Time Warner as a significant factor in the downfall of WCW.

His strong opinion was, “The demise of WCW is not the most glamorous narrative, but let me tell you what really happened. Under those conditions, there was no way WCW was going to survive.”

Further, he added, “Eric receives a lot of criticism, but he was faced with resistance from the top-level management in the company. A fight he was destined to lose. These were executives who lacked knowledge about wrestling and had zero inclination to learn. They preferred more traditional programming. They did not want wrestling as part of their prestigious portfolio. They were indifferent, and nothing else mattered.”