Jeff Jarrett Unexpectedly Shows Up at AIW Function

Jeff Jarrett Unexpectedly Shows Up at AIW Function
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AEW’s Jeff Jarrett recently surprised hundreds of Absolute Intense Wrestling (AIW) enthusiasts when he decided to make a surprise visit during the organization’s newest occurrence and made quite the scene.

To the surprise of many, Jarrett showed up unannounced at an AIW event named ‘Shook Ones’ during the last week, where he made his presence known by hitting Tom Lawlor and Josh Bishop with a chair; he then proceeded to shatter a guitar over Nathan Zegura’s head.

Recognized by the WWE Hall of Fame, and currently holding the position of AEW’s Senior VP of Live Events, Jarrett has confirmed his return to AIW on July 13. He will be appearing alongside Satnam Singh and his better half, Karen Jarrett.

The memories of the shocking incident were immortalized in a tweet, “Karen Jarrett distracts Nathan Zegura, Tom Lawlor & Josh Bishop allowing The Last Outlaw Jeff Jarrett to attack & drop Zegura with the Stroke! #AIWShook”. The tweet, posted on June 23, 2024, certainly sent ripples through the wrestling community.