Booker T has expressed his dissatisfaction with Vice TV and is not inclined to collaborate with them in the future, following the episode ‘Who Killed WCW?’.

Booker T has expressed his dissatisfaction with Vice TV and is not inclined to collaborate with them in the future, following the episode ‘Who Killed WCW?’.
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In his recent “Hall of Fame” podcast episode, wrestling icon Booker T publicized his resolve to sever ties with the makers of the “Dark Side of the Ring,” notably following their interview for the “Who Killed WCW?” docu-series.

He stated his discontent with how his words were manipulated and interpreted out of their original context in the interview. This, according to him, led to a distortion of his actual sentiments.

Below are some of the notable points from the podcast:

Regarding his reluctance to collaborate with Vice TV post the “Who Killed WCW?” incident, Booker T had to say, “My only motive for participating in this was because it involved The Rock and Brian Gewrtiz, who were part of this project. I trusted them to deliver my thoughts accurately. But my words were reframed and taken out of their true meanings. This is the sole reason why I never chose to associate with Dark Side of the Ring. I want to make it clear, I will not engage with the Dark Side of the Ring in the future.”

Discussing the downfall of WCW, he said, “WCW’s collapse cannot be pinned on one single thing. It was a culmination of several factors. Many people had a role to play in it. What I am certain of is that I had no hand in causing its downfall.”

On the subject of Vince Russo, he disclosed, “I acknowledge and appreciate Vince Russo’s contribution to my career. If Vince hadn’t vouched for me in that room, I wouldn’t be having this conversation now. I appreciate him for that. However, I am not going to proclaim Vince as the most exemplary writer. Just like everyone, Russo had his strengths and weaknesses. He sometimes had brilliant ideas and sometimes they were not so good. That’s the reality of this industry. Nevertheless, it was his idea to bestow me with the title, which I appreciate. I never denied nor exaggerated these facts.”