Kurt Angle Regards Eddie Guerrero as “One of the Greatest Wrestlers Ever”

Kurt Angle Regards Eddie Guerrero as “One of the Greatest Wrestlers Ever”
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During the most recent episode of his own program, ‘The Kurt Angle Show’, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle shared his insights on various topics. One key point of discussion was his wrestling bouts with Eddie Guerrero.

Angle divulged that many may not be aware that Guerrero had sustained a broken leg and hip during his time in the WCW. Upon his return, he was never quite the same as he was prior to his injuries. Despite this change, Angle emphasized that Guerrero’s incredible talent still outshone everyone else’s. His abilities had been slightly impacted by his injuries, yet he remained one of the best wrestlers ever.

Here’s what Kurt Angle specifically had to say about Eddie Guerrero:

“Eddie Guerrero, one of the best of all time.. I don’t know if people realise this but Eddie broke his leg and his hip when he was in WCW, and when he came back he was never the same. Even though he was better than everybody else still, he was never the same in WWE as he was in WCW. It slowed him down just a little bit, but he’s still the best of all time because that’s how good he was.”

Further, the episode included discussions on working with other notable names in the industry, including John Cena and Rey Mysterio. This comprehensive conversation, featuring Kurt Angle’s distinct insights can be viewed here. [embedded content link]