205 Live Results (8/7/20): Danny Burch Takes On Tony Nese

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205 Live Results (8/7/20): Danny Burch Takes On Tony Nese

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205 Live is back again tonight, and features some big matches following tonight’s episode of Friday Night SmackDown. Tonight’s episode sees Ever-Rise continue their dominant rise in WWE, and Tony Nese and Danny Burch taking each other on. Check out the results of tonight’s 205 Live below:

.@AriyaDaivariWWE is back and he immediately made his presence felt on #205Live! pic.twitter.com/hwmVgnUlkB

— 205 Live (@WWE205Live) August 8, 2020

Ever-Rise defeat Mikey Spandex and Marquis Carter via pinfall

Ever-Rise continued their dominant streak, taking down Spandex and Carter in pretty fast fashion. Things ended when Ever-Rise knocked Carter off the apron and landed their finisher onto Spandex for the easy pin. Following the match, we saw a brief segment from last week’s episode of NXT, where Legado Del Fantasma attacked and abducted Fandango, before dragging him into the ring and taking out Tyler Breeze when he came down to the ring.

Danny Burch defeats Tony Nese via pinfall

Burch and Nese took each other on to close out the night, with Oney Lorcan joining Burch at ringside. Things came to an end late when Ariya Daivari made a shocking return to 205 Live, attacking Lorcan at ringside before being chased off by officials. In the ring, Burch – who was distracted by the mayhem happening at ringside – was able to recover fast enough to land a big DDT onto Nese for the win.

RELATED: WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (8/7/20)